Kinesiology & Reiki
Understand, connect and heal through Kinesiology & Reiki.
Kinesiology is a modality that works with all aspects of body, mind, emotions, energy and spirit, in order to empower you to heal and achieve your goals in life.
This therapy uses the muscles of the body and their response as feedback to monitor the different stress patterns and imbalances within the body’s systems and this stress can manifest into physical, nutritional, biochemical or emotional problems, resulting in dis-ease or illness.
Kinesiology techniques are used to help heal so that your body can re-establish balance and harmony.
Reiki assists the body to heal, as it flows through the energy pathways of the body, gently removing blockages or disruptions in energy flow.
This allows lifeforce to flow in a natural way, therefore promoting health and well-being on all levels.
Kinesiology & Reiki are very relaxing and gentle treatment used for a wide range of problems associated with imbalance and stress within the body and are both safe to use on newborns, children, pregnant women and the elderly.
How can we help?
Kinesiology & Reiki are very relaxing and gentle treatment used for a wide range of problems associated with imbalance and stress within the body including:
- Physical pain and discomfort
- Anxiety, Grief and Depression
- Fatigue
- Allergies/Intolerances/Food sensitivities
- Digestive & Immune conditions
- Hormonal imbalances ~ PMS, blood pressure, adrenal stress, metabolism issues
- Learning, Memory & Concentration difficulties
- Nutritional & lifestyle support
- Confidence & Self awareness
- Goal setting – Personal Development & Improving Wellbeing
- Behaviour patterns and addictions